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Writer's pictureMaggie Graham

This is Me

Thanks for coming to find out more about me. My name is Maggie. As a child I hated my name. Most people I met said something like this, "I had a dog named Maggie once" or my personal favorite.... "I have a goat named Maggie". It just didn't seem like a good name for a little girl. I thought it belonged to either a goat or an old lady....oh wait, that can kind of be the same thing. ;-)  Well, I must say I have grown into my name; hopefully NOT because I am old or look like goat. It just fits now, I am happy to say,

My purpose for blogging has changed somewhat over the past few years. My husband is no longer the trucker we thought he would be. He is still a Trucker but not Over the Road. Praise be to the Lord for that!! He is the amazing, steady, faithful husband he has always been. He is still seeking a job that better meets our needs and will be close to home so he can be present as he raises the 11 children(so far) that the Lord has blessed us with. We are on this path together and that is where we need to be.....together. Over the Road Trucking was not a good option for that. However, the lessons learned and the experience gained was invaluable. I am confident that God will use it for His glory.

I am a homeschooling mom with children ranging in age from 22 down to 1 year. I am enjoying the fact that I get to keep in tune with parenting every stage of development all at the same time. It is different now than it was when my oldest was plowing through growing up and we were blazing the trail of parenting for the first time. Yes, every child is different; but as children ourselves, children of God, He stays the same and is faithful to develop US as we Grow Up in HIM.

So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 2  Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.
1 Peter 2:1-2

This whole section of scripture is so awesome. I had a hard time not quoting it all, but read it, all the way to verse 11.  I hate to even limit my suggestions like that. Once I get started reading I truly begin to understand the verse that says, 

Taste and see that the Lord is good!
Psalm 34:1

My hope for this blog is that those who enter here will be encouraged and inspired to walk a closer walk with Christ thru the good times and the bad. To share any wisdom I have gleaned along the way so that others may learn from my mistakes and avoid any pitfalls.

Our God is an awesome God! He is faithful and loving to his children! His yolk is easy and his burden is light.

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